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Corporate governance is one of the most important factors in building and leading a successful organisation whether you are a business, in the public sector or are an NGO. Corporate governance provides the framework that balances the vested interests of your different stakeholder groups and encourages an organisational culture built on transparency, accountability and responsibility. Good governance provides a strong foundation on which to innovate in order to meet customer needs.

How we can help:

  • Assist and manage the organisation of meetings, including logistics and secretariat services.
  • Assist in the development of policy documents, strategic planning and program management.
  • Coordinate requests for papers, quality check and distribute meeting papers .
  • Take meeting minutes, write emails and other correspondence.
  • Monitor email inbox.
  • Provide advice to the Executive on corporate governance principles based on knowledge of compliance, legislative, financial, administrative and certain government frameworks.
  • Assist in the development of governance frameworks, including delegation of authority.
  • Assist with reporting requirements, including reports required by external stakeholders.
  • Support the induction of new committee or board members.
  • Track the progress of action items arising from meetings.
  • Maintain risk registers.

Contact us to discuss your organisation's governance needs.



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