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No s**t, Sherlock!


This series is about the things they don't tell you in management textbooks or business courses. Many leaders have experienced the situation where the advice they have been given (or worse - paid for!) is not only completely obvious but utterly useless. This normally happens during periods of dynamic change when things are moving so fast it's hard to know where to focus next.

This leadership series explores the stories of CEO's and leaders who have faced situations where the rule book, best practice or 'tried and tested' formulas did not apply. They were pioneering new industries, breaking molds and reinventing the status quo.

While your circumstances might be different, many of the patterns and lessons learned will apply. The focus of this series is leadership during times of transition or crisis irrespective of how long your organisation has been around or how large.

Some of the topics discussed include:

  • Knowing where to focus and defining your priorities when there's no clear path
  • 'Fake it until you make it' – creating advantage when you only have a slight edge
  • Confronting the facts without losing faith
  • Building a culture of discipline to achieve superior performance
  • Attracting, motivating and retaining the best people when you can't compete on salary or benefits
  • Dealing with blind spots, when to bring in external help
  • Near misses, miraculous recoveries and what to do when it's down to the line
  • Knowing your strengths – the right person, right now, and in the right role
  • Dramatic transformations vs. focus and building momentum
  • Protecting your intellectual property
  • Managing sleepless nights, fear of failure and competing

Lighthouse - Unit 6, 65 Tennant Street, Fyshwick ACT

$55.00 (+GST) per person, per workshop
$150.00 (+GST) for all 6 workshops


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